We’ve helped real businesses grow their revenues

Data is everywhere, both inside and outside your organization. It’s fragmented between different stakeholders and legacy systems. It also comes at you from third parties and vendors, each promising to unlock unique insights, analytics, efficiencies, and new revenue opportunities. There is no question that the data is there, and that it contains a tremendous value to your enterprise. The hard part is figuring out where to start, how to start, and who to start with so that you can put that data to work.

System2 will answer the questions you care about with the data that matters most. We are not a one-size-fits-all solution. We use data and software engineering to harness the computational power of data science and AI/ML to build customized solutions that drive ROI. Whether alternative data, public data sets, geolocation, web traffic, drone data, internal records, IoT data, CRM or workflow data, structured, unstructured, off-the-shelf, or custom-scraped and curated data--we know where to find it, how to assemble it, and how to make it actionable.

The solutions we build are driven by your business and its stakeholders, and they are designed to evolve with the data and your enterprise needs:

System2 data science lives at your fingertips in Delphi, our proprietary interface. We customize every instance of Delphi (and keep customizing it) because data science is dynamic and iterative, and our process and product are built to match. Delphi becomes a fully integrated technology asset that grows with your organization and harnesses the power of its data. If you had an out-of-the-box solution, you wouldn’t need System2.